Compiled on: 2024-05-07 — printable version
The practice of integrating code with a main development line continuously
Verifying that the build remains intact
Traditionally, protoduction is jargon for a prototype that ends up in production
Plenty of technologies on the market
We will use GitHub Actions: GitHub integration, free for FOSS, multi-os OSs supported
Naming and organization is variable across platforms, but in general:
In essence, designing a CI system is designing a software construction, verification, and delivery pipeline with the abstractions provided by the selected provider.
Configuration can grow complex, and is usually stored in a YAML file
(but there are exceptions, JetBrains TeamCity uses a Kotlin DSL).
Workflows are configured in YAML files located in the default branch of the repository
folder.One configuration file $\Rightarrow$ one workflow
For security reasons, workflows may need to get manually activated in the Actions tab of the GitHub web interface.
Note: the GitHub Actions application is open source and can be installed locally, creating “self-hosted runners”. Self-hosted and GitHub-hosted runners can work together.
Upon their creation, runners have a default environment
Documentation available at
Several CI systems inherit the “convention over configuration” principle.
GitHub actions does not adhere to the principle: if left unconfigured, the runner does nothing (it does not even clone the repository locally).
Minimal, simplified workflow structure:
# Mandatory workflow name
name: Workflow Name
on: # Events that trigger the workflow
jobs: # Jobs composing the workflow, each one will run on a different runner
Job-Name: # Every job must be named
# The type of runner executing the job, usually the OS
runs-on: runner-name
steps: # A list of commands, or "actions"
- # first step
- # second step
Another-Job: # This one runs in parallel with Job-Name
runs-on: '...'
steps: [ ... ]
Consider check.yml
file on the calculator
name: CI/CD
- '.gitignore'
- ''
- ''
fail-fast: false
- ubuntu-latest
- windows-latest
- macos-latest
- '3.10'
- '3.11'
- '3.12'
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
name: Test on Python ${{ matrix.python-version }}, on ${{ matrix.os }}
timeout-minutes: 45
- name: Setup Python
uses: actions/setup-python@v5
python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }}
- name: Install poetry
run: pip install poetry
- name: Checkout code
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Restore Python dependencies
run: poetry install
- name: Test
shell: bash
run: poetry run python -m unittest discover -v -s tests
needs: test
if: github.ref == 'refs/heads/master'
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
name: Release on PyPI and GitHub
contents: write
- name: Checkout code
uses: actions/checkout@v4
fetch-depth: 0
token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
- name: Install poetry
run: pip install poetry
- name: Restore Python dependencies
run: poetry install
- name: Bump version
shell: bash
run: poetry run python --apply | tee
- name: Commit version change
shell: bash
run: |
git config "${{ }}"
git config "${{ }}"
git add pyproject.toml
git commit -m "chore(release): v.$(poetry version --short) [skip ci]"
- name: Build Python Package
run: poetry build
- name: Push changes
run: git push
- name: Publish on TestPyPI
run: poetry publish --repository pypi-test --username __token__ --password ${{ secrets.TEST_PYPI_TOKEN }}
- name: Create GitHub Release
shell: bash
run: |
RELEASE_TAG=$(poetry version --short)
gh release create $RELEASE_TAG dist/* -t v$RELEASE_TAG -F
By default, GitHub actions’ runners do not check out the repository
It is a common and non-trivial operation (the checked out version must be the version originating the workflow), thus GitHub provides an action:
- name: Check out repository code
uses: actions/checkout@v4
Since actions typically do not need the entire history of the project, by default the action checks out only the commit that originated the workflow (--depth=1
when cloning)
Also, tags don’t get checked out
Communication with the runner happens via workflow commands
The simplest way to create outputs for actions is to print on standard output a message in the form:
and redirect it to the end of the file stored in the $GITHUB_OUTPUT
environment variable:
echo "{name}={value}" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout
uses: danysk/action-checkout@0.2.16
- id: branch-name # Custom id
uses: tj-actions/branch-names@v8
- id: output-from-shell
run: ruby -e 'puts "dice=#{rand(1..6)}"' >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
- run: |
echo "The dice roll resulted in number ${{ steps.output-from-shell.outputs.dice }}"
if ${{ steps.branch-name.outputs.is_tag }} ; then
echo "This is tag ${{ steps.branch-name.outputs.tag }}"
echo "This is branch ${{ steps.branch-name.outputs.current_branch }}"
echo "Is this branch the default one? ${{ steps.branch-name.outputs.is_default }}"
Most software products are meant to be portable
A good continuous integration pipeline should test all the supported combinations*
The solution is the adoption of a build matrix
os: [windows, macos, ubuntu]
jvm_version: [8, 11, 15, 16] # Arbitrarily-made and arbitrarily-valued variables
ruby_version: [2.7, 3.0]
python_version: [3.7, 3.9.12]
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}-latest ## The string is computed interpolating a variable value
- uses: actions/setup-java@v4
distribution: 'adopt'
java-version: ${{ matrix.jvm_version }} # "${{ }}" contents are interpreted by the github actions runner
- uses: actions/setup-python@v5
python-version: ${{ matrix.python_version }}
- uses: ruby/setup-ruby@v1
ruby-version: ${{ matrix.ruby_version }}
- shell: bash
run: java -version
- shell: bash
run: ruby --version
- shell: bash
run: python --version
We would like the CI to be able to
Both operations require private information to be shared
Of course, private data can’t be shared
)How to share a secret with the build environment?
Secrets can be stored in GitHub at the repository or organization level.
GitHub Actions can access these secrets from the context:
secrets.<secret name>
context objectSecrets can be added from the web interface (for mice lovers), or via the GitHub API.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'rubygems'
require 'bundler/setup'
require 'octokit'
require 'rbnacl'
repo_slug, name, value = ARGV
client = => 'access_token_from_github')
pubkey = client.get_public_key(repo_slug)
key = Base64.decode64(pubkey.key)
sodium_box = RbNaCl::Boxes::Sealed.from_public_key(key)
encrypted_value = Base64.strict_encode64(sodium_box.encrypt(value))
payload = { 'key_id' => pubkey.key_id, 'encrypted_value' => encrypted_value }
client.create_or_update_secret(repo_slug, name, payload)
The sooner the issue is known, the better
$\Rightarrow$ Automatically run the build every some time even if nobody touches the project
CI jobs if there is no action on the repository, which makes the mechanism less usefulThere exist a number of recommended services that provide additional QA and reports.
Non exhaustive list:
The Linux Foundation Core Infrastructure Initiative created a checklist for high quality FLOSS.
CII Best Practices Badge Program
A full-fledged CI system allows reasonably safe automated evolution of software
At least, in terms of dependency updates
Assuming that you can effectively intercept issues, here is a possible workflow for automatic dependency updates:
Bots performing the aforementioned process for a variety of build systems exist.
They are usually integrated with the repository hosting provider